WateReuse Texas

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  • 1.  Introduction thread

    Posted 10-14-2022 16:47

    Hi everyone! It would be great if you could introduce yourself once you've joined this group and share some topics or questions you'd like to discuss. I'll go first! 

    My name is Noelle George and I'm the Managing Director for Texas. I was hired as part-time staff in January, 2022 as the first paid employee of WRTX. I'm a chemical engineer who previously worked in oil and gas (pipelines) and also spent 10 years as the director of a nonprofit organization. My focus is on growing the section and making it more active, and one of the ways I've done this is by adding and growing our committees. You can learn more about them on the WRTX website. I'd love to hear about any barriers to reuse in Texas that you're experiencing, research areas that would pave the way for more reuse in Texas, and communications challenges you may have with the public around reuse. 

    Noelle George
    Managing Director
    WateReuse Texas

  • 2.  RE: Introduction thread

    Posted 23 days ago

    I am new to the Water Reuse community and interested in connecting with Texas based members actively involved in Zero / Minimal Liquid Discharge solutions.

    James Monk
    Monk Process Group, LLC