
Vijay Sundaram PhD, PE


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Vijay Sundaram is a Vice President and Global One Water Director with AECOM. Dr. Sundaram is a recognized global leader in water reuse with 20 years of experience advancing One Water approaches, including implementation of potable water reuse solutions in the US and worldwide. His expertise includes developing advanced treatment technologies, working with communities to achieve costeffective water sustainability, and assisting policymakers with developing potable reuse regulations. His doctoral research was on technology development and application of advanced treatment processes for removing PFAS, pharmaceuticals, priority pollutants, and pathogens in indirect and direct potable reuse (IPR/DPR) applications. He is a passionate advocate and technical expert addressing social equity in water management, and identifying synergies between drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems to minimize capital improvements and spending within the water sector. He was Chair of the Water Reuse Roadmap, a Water Environment Federation (WEF) publication. He most recently won the McKee Groundwater Protection, Restoration or Sustainable Use Award.