
Michael Hunter

City of Denton

Contact Details

City of Denton


Hello everyone. I'm the Reclaimed Water Systems Coordinator for City of Denton Water Utilities. I've been in this role about 6 months at the time of this writing (January 19, 2024). I come from a municipal solid waste regulatory compliance background, and recently made the switch to water utilities. I thought I'd give some background on the reuse history of my current organization. 

Denton began utilizing treated effluent in power plant cooling towers near the water reclamation plant in the 70's. In 2001 a transmission main for direct non-potable reuse was installed spanning about 5 miles. Since that time, it has, and continues, to serve 8 customers. This includes a golf course (irrigation), a landfill (dust suppression, trash compaction, and irrigation), a hospital (irrigation), two surgery centers (irrigation), a power plant (cooling towers), a large living center (irrigation), and a carwash (washing water). 

 We are located in a region of North Texas which gets unpredictable a sporadic rainfall. Currently, the city relies exclusively on surface water from two local reservoirs for all water supply needs. Denton's population is currently 167k and continues to experience rapid growth. As a result, we are looking to diversify our water supply portfolio with reuse and conservation playing a significant role. 

I was hired on for the purpose of

  • Ensuring continued compliance with state reuse regulations
  • Coordinating customer accounts 
  • Expanding the reuse transmission system
  • Attracting new customers
  • Exploring other reuse opportunities such as ASR and DPR

I'm excited to be here and learn more from this wonderful community.